Infra+ labeling

In order to better satisfy the needs and expectations of our users, the hub has entered into a quality approach with the LUE INFRA+ label.
Through the INFRA+ program, the members of The Lorraine University of Excellence aim to develop and network research infrastructures (IR) in the Lorraine region. Among other things, the aim of the approach is to increase the research potential and the attractiveness of the Lorraine site in its priority fields of expertise.
Accompanied in this approach by the UL Quality staff, we have set up a common organization and management of our equipment from the three locations.
evaluation of the hub

Quality Management System
A PEPLor quality referent is in charge of setting up the quality system, assisted by the site quality managers.
They are in charge of the implementation of instructions, procedures and quality indicators, relevant indicators and the continuous improvement of the hub.
Indicators and metrology
In order to evaluate the quality of our facilities, indicators have been set up to monitor the quality of our climate.

Monitoring the quality of temperature, hygrometry and quality of lighting (intensity, spectrum). A private company calibrates our measuring devices annually.
Annual verification of the efficiency of the phytotron confined with a tracer gas by an approved external organization.
Measurement control charts

For each PEPlor phytotron, a measurement control card has been assigned to monitor the quality of the programmed climates and the quality of the illumination. It allows us to detect any possible anomaly.
Thus, thresholds and limits were set for each parameter deemed relevant
quality management equipment
The platform’s quality system is managed by a PEPLor manager, seconded by two quality correspondents.
PEPLor Manager
Alexandre OLRY

quality correspondent

quality correspondent