Our installation

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PEPLor’s FST site is made up of 12 phytotrons sized for growing perennial plants and growing cabinets for growing annual plants.
The FST site has benefited from two European funding for the purchase of IAM culture cabinets:
-the FEDER FORBOIS2 financed 50%, i.e. € 13,029, of a cabinet co-financed with the region for a total of € 26,028.
-the FEDER 2007-2013 contributed 50%, or € 10,000, to the purchase of a second culture cabinet for the IAM laboratory.


Large area phytotrons

4 phytotrons of 9 m² equip the FST site.

8 phytotrons with controlled ozone concentration

These phytotrons are equipped with a device for supplying and regulating the ozone concentration.

Growth chambers

Cabinets structured in shelves for a cultivation area of 1.8 m², financed in part by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

our site in figures

m² of cultivation area under controlled atmosphere in O3

8 phytotrons

m² of cultivation area

4 phytotrons

In Vitro culture shelves

i.e. 2,7 m²

associated laboratories

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pole A2F transparent

The Silva laboratory is developing a multidisciplinary and integrative research project around forest ecology (wood, trees, ecosystem), in a context of global climatic changes.

The laboratory is also strongly involved in training, through the staff of AgroParisTech and the University of Lorraine and more generally in training through research; within this framework, Silva laboratory offers a diversified range of training courses of excellence in the field of wood, forest and ecology.

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Research projects performed by the UMR INRAE/Lorraine University 1136 « Interactions Arbres-Microorganismes » are dedicated to the biology and the ecology of the interactions between microorganisms and forest trees.

The ultimate goal of these projects is to improve the knowledge and understanding of the interactions that take place between trees, fungi and bacteria, that contribute to the sustainable functioning of forest ecosystems.

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logo otelo

The LIEC is a joint research unit whose primary objective is to understand the functioning of continental ecosystems that have been severely disrupted by human activity, with the aim of rehabilitating them. To this end, we carry out interdisciplinary research combining the concepts and methods of environmental mineralogy, soil science, microbial ecology, colloidal physico-chemistry, ecotoxicology and functional ecology.

Our supervisory authorities

Our partners

The team

technical manager

Jean-Charles OLRY

operational manager

Stéphane MARTIN

operational manager

Rapheal Bchini

How to find us

Faculté des Sciences et techniques
Boulevard des Aiguillettes, entrée 1B
54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy


Jean-Charles OLRY
tel : 03 72 74 50 06

Faculté des Sciences et techniques
Boulevard des Aiguillettes
54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy